The variation types are given as a list. All these variations are performed for each internal catalyst that the pattern is compound. The following inverts and retrogrades all these internal catalysts of the last gen-catalyze generation.
(gen-catalyze-variate '(inversion retrograde))
This one performs all the 4 possible operations for the internal particles.
'(inversion retrograde randomize transpose))
Note gen-catalyze must be performed before gen-catalyze-variate.
As the initial catalyzer break-up occurs randomly when the soup is initialized, you can reinitialize the soup with the same seed material and get different variations. There are 3 levels of variation from the same seed pattern:
First: soup initialisation
Second: catalyze generation
Third: catalyze generation variations
In more closer details this means:
A seed pattern can produce many soups, depending on random seed:
seed pattern --> soup0 soup1 soup2 ...
A soup is capable of producing many catalysations, depending on random seed:
As this implicates, using catalyzers needs some practise. It is not a single generator that produces ever ending string of symbols. You cannot even determinate how long patterns will be generated. It depends on what combinations are made, and sometimes the initial situation is more combinable than the other, resulting to longer patterns.
Hundreds of internal iterations are needed to produce a soup, which is a randomly evoluted but genetically optimized representation of the seed pattern, consisting of patterns and catalysts. In chemistry catalysts act as entsymes breaking the molecule apart. When the resulting soup of molecular structures is let to autocatalyze, new combinations are formed which are often highly structurized and reflecting the features and possibilities of the original structure.
Examine the gen-catalyze and gen-catalyze-variations in the Visualizer. There are repetitive elements and constant flux of changes and the repetition is not exact. Each catalyzer initialisation is unique, and the subsequent gen-catalyzes rely on that. Seeds can be given to repeat the results.